Ateliere si Cursuri

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Categorie Varsta

Showing 17–24 of 24 results

  • 1.650 lei
    La Step Up Summer School, pe toata perioada verii, copiii au ocazia sa invete si sa se distreze in acelasi timp. Saptamani tematice, engleza, germana, teatru, dans, experimente, inot, evenimente speciale precum "Camping Night" si "Disco Night" si MULTA DISTRACTIE! Programul zilnic acopera intervalul 08:00 - 17:00.
  • 900 lei
    Categoria 3 ani – 5 ani Vacantele sunt o oportunitate foarte buna pentru a ii invata pe copii sa vorbesca limba engleza. Holiday Fun With Flupe este cursul perfect pentru copiii cu varstele cuprinse intre 3 ani si 6 ani unde Flupe, Paul si Millie trec prin o serie de aventuri impreuna cu copiii si profesorul. Cursul dureaza doua saptamani, de luni pana vineri, intre orele 09:00 si 12:00.
  • 1.000 lei
    Categoria 6 ani – 9 ani Holliday Jump With Joey este cursul de vara destinat copiilor cu varstele cuprinse intre 6 ani si 9 ani. Timp de doua saptamani, Paul si Millie ii vor duce pe copii in lumea aventurilor disctrative din Storyville. Lectiile se vor tine atat in clasa cat si afara si vom avea jocuri, concursuri, elemente de cultura generala, totul in limba engleza. O astfel de experienta de doua saptamani, exclusiv in limba engleza va imbunatati vizibil vocabularul copiilor.
  • 300 lei
     Teen Choices is the second level in the Helen Doron Teen English programme, keeping teens engaged with stories and activities covering topics that most interest them.  Teens love the excitement and content of this course, featuring rich, and natural vocabulary taught through topic-based units. Featuring reading comprehension texts, listening comprehension recordings, beautiful songs, and fun exercises, English is learned through the unique Helen Doron methodology.
  • 300 lei
    Teens experience great adventures as they take part in activities and lessons that meet the requirements of the B1+ level of the Common European Framework of Reference.   In the third level of the Teen English courses, students are motivated by four engaging stories that teach important life lessons. Concepts, including the rewards of taking responsibility for your actions and learning not to judge people or situations on a superficial level, are some of the subjects covered in this fascinating course.  As with all Helen Doron English courses, songs play an essential role in the learning process, and Teen Express includes...
  • 300 lei
    Teens learn the vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension techniques required to meet the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference. Students learn to open their minds, think and develop—all in English.  Teen Success, the fourth level in the Helen Doron Teen English programme, keeps teens engaged with stories and activities covering topics that most interest them. Four separate, but intertwined stories, teach students important life lessons such as defining and understanding the value of personal success and motivation. As with all Helen Doron English courses, songs play an essential role in the learning process. Teen Success includes four...
  • 300 lei
    Students learn to open their minds, think and develop, all in English. They learn techniques in reading comprehension corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference for the A2 level.   Teen Talent is based upon a story of a group of teens and their dream to become famous. Rock stars, saving the planet, and holiday travel are just some of the topics covered in the songs, stories and activities in this course. Each unit consists of two episodes that students listen to and then read in class. The stories are filled with suspense, humour and exciting facts while bringing out...


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